Tooth Extraction in Oakville
Tooth Extraction in Oakville
Central Oakville Dental Care provides a variety of dental services to adults and children. When tooth extraction is required, our experienced dental professionals will make the appointment as comfortable as possible.
Although every effort is made to save a damaged tooth, there may be times when tooth extraction is necessary. This is a relatively simple process and at times it may be the best option to protect your overall dental health.
Why might your dentist recommend tooth extraction?
Tooth extraction may be recommended by your Oakville dentist when a tooth is severely damaged due to an injury or trauma or when there is extensive decay that renders the tooth unrestorable. Dental extraction may also be recommended when teeth are overcrowded or impacted.
Sometimes patients who are getting braces may also require one or more teeth to be removed in order to make room for the others as they shift and straighten.

Types of tooth extraction
Depending on the clinical situation, tooth extraction can be simple or surgical.
For both simple and surgical extractions, you have the options of some sedation, which can be via Nitrous Oxide (Laughing Gas) which we can give here at Central Oakville Dental Care, or we can refer you to a local oral surgeon or paediatric dentist who can give a deeper sedation or General Anaesthetic.
Preparing for a tooth extraction
There are a few things that you can do to prepare for a tooth extraction which may help the process to go more smoothly and even expedite your recovery.
Tooth extraction recovery
Recovering from a tooth extraction usually only takes a few days. You can help the healing process by applying an ice pack to your cheek for ten minutes at a time to help reduce swelling. Medications should be taken if prescribed.
You may brush and floss your teeth as normal but avoid the area of the extraction for at least 24 hours. Follow any other instructions provided by your Oakville dentist or oral surgeon, and if pain isn’t going away after several days or you experience any signs of infection such as fever, pus, or drainage from the incision, contact your dentist right away.
Contact us today
If you believe your have a tooth that needs to be extracted, contact us today to make an appointment with one of our dentists.